Happy Birthday Kobo!
$199.99Kobo Vox
They've had one heck of a ride already! From getting their humble start with Borders that was trying some last minute digital shot before going bankrupt; and to then emerge unscathed by the madness only to turn into a powerful force in it's own right. Kobo then released it's own ereader and sharpened up it's image to compete with the big dogs and form the last company in "The Big 5" (Kindle, iPad, Nook, Sony Reader & KOBO) Sure market share is still single digit, but they've got a brand new ereader called the Kobo Vox that allows access to the internet, email, music and video and with an android operating system, you can download 15,000 and growing apps. Then the strangest thing happened. The Japanese firm Rakuten came outta nowhere and bought them for $350 Million dollars and left the entire management team intact.
Go Kobo! It's your Birthday! Go Kobo! Go Kobo!
So Happy Birthday! We've enjoyed the ride! Kobo lists around 20 of our books and we are proud to work with them.
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